Snatch that Google!!!

Harshyt Goel - Thursday, November 8, 2007 -

Everybody’s talking about the way Google Snatch is dominating search engine listings, but now there’s an even better way. Google Snatch gets back to the basics of how the search engines work, and in doing so changes the ground rules. The best thing is that it’s based on real value, not fancy SEO tricks that soon get spotted and you find yourself going from a high ranking to the bottom of the pile again. The search engines are not fooled for long.

There’s no substitute for quality

Google Snatch is based on giving the search engines what they really want - true value, high quality information. It’s about looking at your marketing problem from your customer’s point of view and giving them what they want. The best thing is, it’s not difficult - it just takes a little time and patience. Time and patience that will be well rewarded.

Go For The Top

The money’s not in small niches, it’s in the broader sectors. You no longer have to think small - Google Snatch enables you to go for the main markets. Forget about dominating those tiny niches, now you can go for the big time!

On The Same Terms

Your competitors can spend what they like on Google Adwords - you can still beat them at their own game, without it costing a penny. In the past it used to be possible for anyone to compete on equal terms with the big players, but with search engine optimization came the era of secret techniques available only to those with deep pockets. Now we have come full circle. Search engine algorithms have become so sophisticated that it now pays to go back to basics. Once again content is king.

Here’s The Future

Search engines hate duplicate content and you will be penalised for it. One of the most intimidating parts of Google Snatch is making the high value content that search engines are looking for. A program such as Unique Article Wizard answers the problem. Having written the first article on your chosen subject, Unique Article Wizard will take it and make hundreds of unique versions. The search engines have what they want, customers get what they want. Having satisfied both, you get what you want - loads of paying customers.

Google Snatch is the preferred tool to achieve top Google listings. Petor Angell shows you how to put it on steroids using Unique Article Wizard.

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