Something's you never want to end...

Harshyt Goel - Thursday, December 6, 2007 -

Ever had the feeling when something you've gotten so attached to ends? Like a good book, or a touching movie or even a cartoon that you've been a fan of ever since you were 8!.Well I've had that so many times...its hard to count,for example-The harry potter series (I cried!), pirates of the Caribbean and how could I forget the DragonBall(Z/GT) saga.These are somethings that had imprinted me to the core of my heart and without them I feel kind of empty.

A few days back I got hold of all the Dragon Ball/Z/GT episodes and I watched them continuously for 8 hours at a stretch, and in the end (ep.64 DBGT),well i couldnt help thinking that something inside me had gone missing, Same with the Harry Potter series, just imagine that i had started reading them when i was 7, that was my first book with no pictures(oh yeah! i bawled when my mum bought it for me), and after eleven pages, i didn't know anything happening around me, i had been trapped in a life of a boy i had barely ever heard of and i was loving it!, it does hurt when i read the last page of The Deathly Hallows,I read it at least eight times before i put the book down, it was the end of an era for me.

But now i'm getting used to this stuff with so many endings of so many things nowadays, but still...ieven if they dont go on..i do and so does everyone else!

-Harshyt Goel (A.K.A. Harry)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your blog. Thank you.