16 Ways to "Drive" people to your blog!!!

Harshyt Goel - 111 comments Wednesday, October 31, 2007 -

You’ve got your blog set up and you’ve started posting pithy, useful information that your niche market would benefit from and enjoy. Days go by, you keep publishing, but no one comments and your traffic stats are barely registering. What do you do?

Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.

1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.


2. Set up a feed on MyYahoo.com so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine (see tutorial on http://www.biztipsblog.com)


3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don’t write things like “nice blog” or “great post.” Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.

4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.


5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines: http://www.submitfire.com

6. Submit your blog to blog directories. The most comprehensive list of directories is on this site:


Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.

7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.

8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.

9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.

10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.

11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.

12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as ‘feeds’) may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.

To learn how news aggregators/RSS readers work, see this site: http://www.rss-specifications.com/rss-readers.htm

13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts

14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.

15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).

16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.

Tip: Use a hit counter to track your visitor stats: how many unique visitors, how many page views, average length of visit. You can get a free hit counter at http://www.sitemeter.com

About the Author
Denise Wakeman of Next Level Partnership, and Patsi Krakoff of Customized Newsletter Services, have teamed up to create blogging classes and marketing services for independent professionals. You can read and subscribe to their blogs at http://www.biztipsblog.com, http://www.coachezines.com and http://www.bizbooknuggets.com.

Write to Mint!!!

Harshyt Goel - 2 comments -

Normally when you submit an article to an article directly you benefit from the backlinks and the occasional traffic you receive. The site owner benefits from the income from the advertising revenue that is earned from the adverts displayed on the site. All this is about to change with the advent of The Article Sense Network.

As an article publisher it is now possible for you to share in the advertising revenue. The revenue share model has been around for a couple of years now and is within Google’s terms and conditions.  So not only can you now benefit from the back links and traffic but you can also earn an income from Adsense at the same time.

Before we look at how the Article Sense network operates it is worthwhile noting that you will also receive 10% of the income from any referrals you make. Over time this can build up into a healthy income.

Sites in The Article Sense Network are different from any another article directory you have ever seen. Firstly there are 2 types of members of the network site owners and article publishers. The ability to earn income from your articles is unique enough but as we’ll see below there is so much more that makes these sites stand out from the crowd.

As an article publisher you will join one of the sites in the network. When you publish your article it will appear on that site. It will also have the first 500 characters displayed on 33% of the sites in the network along with your resource box and links and your Adsense code.

Within a few hours of the launch there were over 70 sites that had joined the network many of these are sites with high Pagerank. Doing a bit of simple maths will tell you that if only 30 more sites joined every article you submitted would get you 33 links back to you site. Yes, all this is FREE.

There is still more, you can even embed videos into your articles. This is a great way of selling products and keeping people on the page longer which will have a positive effect on your Adsense income.  Just upload your videos to YouTube or grab one already online and embed them into your article.

The final part of the jigsaw is the site owners. Site owners receive 40% of the income generated by the articles on their site. This includes income from the published snippets. Each snippet also includes a link back to the originating site. over time this can result in a large number of links from the rapidly growing network

It’s really difficult to express the potential that this network has and I am sure this article didn’t do it justice. To find out more please click on the link below you’ll be glad you did.

If you would like to learn more about the Article Sense Network Read More Here Alternatively have a look at a Typical Network Site

Flashy Mobile!!!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

Based on a report released by Jupiter Research and iProspect, online camera cell phone ratings affect the purchasing decisions of consumers. Their studies show that rankings and comparative analyses on sales is a major factor for choosing the type of model or brand of mobile devices.

The report, released in January of 2007, indicated that as many as one in every three consumers with online access will consult social networking sites when looking for information about a particular products.

A survey on different products conducted by Amazon showed an amazing number of respondents. Majority of the 2223 viewers voted that not only did they checked-out the site’s camera cell phone ratings, but also browsed through various mobile devices featured and their listed prices.

There are two “styles” of camera cell phone ratings sites:  the ones managed by an individual or handful of cell phone experts, who really know their stuff and are not afraid to put their recommendations on the line with clear recommendations.  But as more and more camera cell phones with more and more advanced technologies hit the marketplace, they can get behind the curve.

Survey sites and online stores, like Amazon, also have their own camera cell phone ratings. The members or site visitors are asked to rate and give their comments on a mobile device they have used. These studies are more focused on an individual’s preference for a particular brand, rather than on the merits of its features. The more widely used an item, the higher is its ranking. Thus, the outcome of these surveys is based more often than not on a mobile device’s popularity. The technical aspects are not usually considered.

In an ideal world, camera cell phoned ratings sites would combine recommendations of camera cell phones based on expert, unbiased testing with input from consumers who have used those phones for a reasonable amount of time, under reasonable real-world conditions.  These sites would have no vested interest in recommending the phones from one manufacturer; in other words, they would neither be selling the phones nor getting them at no cost in exchange for a friendly review. For more information on cell phone ratings and reviews visit http://www.highenergymagic.com

However, at the moment, most camera cell phone ratings sites sell advertising space and encourage promotions featuring certain brands. These, evidently, are needed by the company to make their websites lucrative. It is these promotions that help increase traffic to their sites.

Therefore, if you are looking for a more straight-forward and honest online camera cell phone ratings, then your best bet would be those published by the technological specialists who are doing it independent of any mobile manufacturer. They can provide you with a thorough and comparative study of different brands. Sometimes they show a graphic chart comparing the features included in each model. Unfortunately, most of their contributors have community standing and are paid for their opinions. You may have to register and pay for subscribing to their site or viewing their studies.

If you're looking for the best camera cell phone it is important to check out camera cell phone reviews and opinion prior to a final decision.

Signs of change-Christopher Breen

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments Sunday, October 28, 2007 -

Sometime around the beginning
of 2007, I sensed a change inthe air.The first whiff came when Microsoft’s
"No fooling, this thing really is an iPod killer” Zune laid a big stinker
during the 2006 holiday season. Then,in January, when Macworld Conference
& Expo took place on the same weekas the massive Computer Electronics
Show in Las Vegas, guess which one got more press? (Hint: It wasn’t the
show keynoted by Bill Gates.) Since then, there has been a steady stream
of stories about the iPhone, the Apple TV, and Apple in general.
What was unusual about that coverage was that—for once—it didn’t portray
Apple’s products as pretty but overpriced and Apple’s customers as
artsy-fartsy kooks. Rather, the press seemed willing to entertain the notion
that Mac users might be savvy consumers seeking quality and ease of use
in an attractive wrapper. As someone who has followed Apple
for the better part of two decades, I’veseen the company go through plenty of
highs and lows—from the introduction of the Mac Plus and the bungled opportunities
to deprive Microsoft of its tooclose- for-comfort Windows operating
system, to the successful advent of theiMac, Mac OS X, and the iPod.
Through it all, one theme remainedconstant in the coverage of the company:
Apple and its customers were ananomaly. This was frustrating. Knowing
what the Mac was capable of, seeinghow god-awful clunky Windows was,
and glancing at the declining rate ofMac adoption, I’d wonder, “What am I
missing here?” It’s that disconnect between how I see Apple’s products and how the mainstream media portrays those products that’s changing. On a Roll Apple’s numbers are up. The Mac’s share of the personal computer market is a full percentage point higher than it was last year. The iPod has helped. Independent data suggests that Mac
sales have indeed improved because of the iPod halo effect. Those consumers
who’ve previously shunned Apple products now take a second look at Macs because they like the iPod. Glory be,some of those switchers are members of the press who enviously couldn’t write the name Apple without a preceding beleaguered.It also helps that Apple hasn’t made a major mistake in a long time. The company has had plenty of opportunities to fall flat—the transition from OS 9 to OS X, the jump into the music and media business with the iPod and the iTunes Store, the launch and
growth of Apple retail stores, and the switch from PowerPC to Intel processors. Yet each move went smoothly. Since Steve Jobs returned to Apple, only the Power Mac
G4 Cube and the round mouse spring to mind as clear missteps. Microsoft, on the other hand, stumbles around as though someone tied its shoelaces together. When the company initially talked up its upcoming Longhorn (now renamed Vista) operating
system, it claimed that the new OS would be the same kind of built-fromthe- ground-up effort as Mac OS X. After years of delay, Microsoft eventually released four flavors of a tartedup version of Windows XP that even Windows enthusiasts find to be slow, bloated, and bug ridden. Then the Zune came along, trailing a cloud of negative publicity. In a sign that even Microsoft recognized the Zune’s failings, Bryan Lee, the corporate vice president of Microsoft’s entertainment business who oversaw the development of the Zune, stepped aside after the product’s dismal launch.
The negative publicity—and Apple’s continuing success—seems to be getting to our good friends from Redmond. Bill Gates was recently quoted in Newsweek ining, “Nowadays, security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit; your machine can be taken over totally. I dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine.” Hang on a sec, Bill. Let me just look cross-eyed at my Dell box for a bit . . . and . . . right, completely taken over. Rather than take offense at Gates’s fatuous statement, I take heart. In the past, Microsoft has seemed to think of Apple as an amusing but manageable
annoyance. Things haven’t been going so well in Redmond lately, and computer buyers are starting to catch on. Maybe they don’t have to put up with Windows’ bugginess and insecurity. Maybe they’ll think to themselves, “There must be a better way.”
As an admitted Mac advocate, I’m happy to show it to them.

Affiliate what???

Harshyt Goel - 1 comments Friday, October 26, 2007 -

How You Can Explode Your Profits With A Succesful Affiliate Programme
This article describes the elements which go in to the creation of a succesful affiliate marketing programme and covers topics such as how to convince affiliates to sign up, how to help them to succeed and how to motivate them to sell your products or services at a high rate. Using the information in this article anyone can build a hugely succesful affiliate marketing programme and push their profits through the ceiling.

By Paul Greaves

Everyone knows that if you are selling your own products or services online, a succesful affiliate marketing programme will massively boost your profits. Why then do so many only ever acheive low traffic to their websites and therefore low sales? The answer is that they simply do not set up their affiliate programme correctly.

I want to use this article to show you how anyone with an affiliate programme can use some simple tricks of the trade to move their online business up to a whole new and far higher level.

Motivate Potential Affiliates To Sign Up

This is the thing that many people miss. It’s no good setting up an affiliate programme with links that say “click here to sign up” and then leaving it at that. You must sell your affiliate programme.You should create a mini sales letter that explains the benefits that the potential affiliate will gain by signing up. For instance let them know how much their commission will be and how they can earn a living promoting your products without ever having the headaches and expense of product creation or web site building.

Give Your Affiliates Your Own Marketing Materials To Use

Another common error! Site owners tend to get people signed up for an affiliate programme and then leave them to get on with it. It’s as if they are saying “thank you for signing up now off you go and make me wealthy”. It just doesn’t work like that. You have to work hard for your affiliates if you want them to start making you lots of cash.

Give your affiliate whatever you can create in the way of email promotions, articles, press releases, pay per click ads,banner adverts and whatever else you can think of that will let people promote your site as widely as possible with no more effort on their part than necessary.That way all their effort can go into actually marketing your products and services.

The thing is you could build a nice business for yourself by writing an article and submitting it to article directories all over the internet but just imagine the leverage you would get if you had one hundred affiliates putting that same article out. Your marketing power has been multiplied by one hundred and this is the key to making huge amounts of cash online.

You don’t have to create all these marketing materials yourself if you don’t want to. Simply employ someone to do it for you by going to www.elance.com. The important thing to remember is that your business will only be really succesful if your affiliates have good quality marketing materials at their disposal.

Produce A Regular Newsletter For your Affiliates.

This really gets results. Email your affiliates every week with an update on the best marketing methods that they can use to boost their commissions. Let them Know about any new products you’ve just launched or any new marketing materials you’ve just added to your affiliates area.

One really clever strategy is to run regular competions. Give a prize of an additional one hundred dollars (or whatever you can afford) to your most succesful affiliate. Include the winner in your newsletter and challenge the other affiliates to beat them next week.

This is really good psychology as you are motivating your affiliates to promote your products like mad so that they will be recognised as being your “number one”. Ego can be as great a motivator as cash.

Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits

In this artcle I’ve been showing you exactly what you need to do with your own affiliate programme in order to earn a serious income online. If you do this properly you will earn more money than you could ever have imagined. To recap, in order to overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliate programme you must..............

Convince people to sign up

Make marketing easy for them.

Motivate them to market as fast and as hard as they can.

This way you’ll create a massively successful affiliate programme which will sell tons of your products without any real hard work or any costs.

I guarantee that if you put just one or two of these simple methods to use you will see a huge improvement in the number of affiliate sign ups and how actively they market your business. Take action and try it yourself!

Paul Greaves is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. Now you know how a succesful affiliate programme works learn how you can easily create a product for any niche in one day and how to market it by getting a no cost two hour video on niche ebooks at: http://www.mynicheinlife.com

A Blog Broadway..Alan Thomason

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

Learn a few blogging techniques to optimize your page and drive traffic to your site.

By Allen Thomason

Copyright (c) 2007 Allen Thomason

Blogging, sometimes known as an online diary, is very hot these days. If you haven’t heard of blogging before now, you probably haven’t been on the Internet in the past few years. People all over the world are taking advantage of it, and so should you. Why? Blogging can be extremely beneficial for your Roadmap To Riches business.

You may have thought that blogging was just a fun recreational thing to do to get to know people and connect. However, in the past year or so, online businesses have taken blogging to another level. Actually, blogging is one of the fastest, easiest, and least expensive ways to get indexed in the search engines.

If you know anything about blogs, they are basically like a mini website that you create with your own information. You can post information about you, about your business, and actually anything else that you want. You can add testimonials, reviews, articles, etc. Your blog is a great place to let people know more about the business you run and the product/service you are promoting.

Are you ready to get blogging? The first place to start is to find a free blog site such as blogger.com. There are many different places to blog, but this one is the easiest to start with, and you aren’t losing any money, as it is completely free. This site will show you step by step how to set up your blog which is great if you haven’t ever set one up.

Blogging is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your site for the product or service you are promoting. With blogger, you can add back links that point to your other websites. Not only does this generate more traffic for you, but also you will rank better with the keywords you are using. You must be sure to set up the keywords correctly in the links and to the pages you want them to link to.

Another great thing about blogging is that you can set up Google Adsense or affiliate links in there as well.

You will want to post information to your blog at least once per week preferably more now that your blog is all set up. The one thing you don’t want to forget, however is to ping it after you update your blog, so the search engines are updated as well. Think about it – the search engines will crawl your blog for new content, and your Roadmap To Riches blog will be listed among the top. You can see how well this blogging is for a business. So get busy blogging today and see your success grow.

Allen Thomason is an accomplished and established internet marketer. To find out how to expand your online knowledge and learn more about Internet Marketing, Advertising, and Proven Marketing Tactics visit http://www.TheProfitCombination.com.

Sticks & Stones may hurt my bones...but words will surely not!!!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

Nobody can hurt you without your consent. There are many instances in life where your confidence is hit hard. Sometimes you overcome life's hardness, sometimes you get overwhelmed. The following five ways would help you do just that.

By Emmanuel Segui

Nobody can hurt you without your consent. There are many instances in life where your confidence is hit hard. Sometimes you overcome life’s hardness, sometimes you get overwhelmed. Sometimes your courage and confidence sees you through, but sometimes your self-confidence gets a beating. However, the point here to remember is that “nobody can hurt you without your consent.”

The problem is not as important as the impact it had on you, rather the impact that you let the problem create on you. In life pain is inevitable but suffering is optional, as the saying goes. It’s purely your choice, and whether you choose to bounce back or suffer is entirely your prerogative.

There can be many reasons that your self-confidence is hurt. You may have had a bad marriage and now are heading for a divorce.

You were not chosen for your college’s football team; you may have been laid off. There’s definitely a lot of pain involved in any of the situations. But you don’t necessarily have to suffer. You must arise and resolve to get back your confidence.

The following five ways would help you do just that.

1. Look at the brighter side. If you have been laid off, it would be okay to feel bad about it for a day or two but not more than that. Losing a job is a terrible thing, but it does not mean the end of the world.

Who knows it might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe you have got some time to review your life, get aware of where you are going, have a look at your likes and hobbies which you could not develop because of pressures of your job. Maybe this is an opportunity to start afresh and live your life a new way which is more in sync with your abilities and aptitude.

Similarly, a divorce may cause great pain but then you weren’t too happy in your marriage either. It probably was just not meant to be. Now you have a chance to rebuild your life the way you want it to be.

2. Stop comparing yourself with other people. When we have a problem we always question god - “oh, god, why me?” Certainly god gave you a lot of rewards as well.

Did you then get up and ask god -“oh god, why me?” That’s what human nature is all about. We complain and remember god when we are in trouble or else we are too busy with ourselves.

Stop looking at other people who seem too happy and comfortable to you from a distance. Stop comparing their comfort with your suffering.

This will only frustrate you further. Focus on yourself and make every effort you can make to go out whenever you are feeling down.

3. Self-pity is very addictive and capable of destroying lives. Instead of indulging in self-pity (though we all do from time to time), take control of your life and take responsibility for your actions, learn from your mistakes and make a fresh start.

4. And yeah…don’t be bogged down when you hear a “no”. A “no” is something which even greats like Edison and Ford, too, had to face. If you look at them positively, you will find that each “no” actually takes you closer to a “yes.” It’s been reported time and time again that Edison conducted more than a thousand failed experiments before he actually made an electric bulb! So get going and take an occasional no in stride.

5. Are you standing in your own way? You will notice that shadows are caused when we stand in the path of sunshine. In our lives, too, we cause a lot of shadows by standing in the way of our own happiness. In today’s world, it is important to be flexible. A lot of people will look for a job for months, yet still reject work coming their way because they are not willing to adapt to some new job requirements.

Jane, a schoolteacher, was laid off from her job. She kept trying for months to get a job as a teacher while rejecting opportunities such as taking private tuitions, being a nanny, doing copy- editing work as a freelancer. The long wait hurt her self-confidence even more. Sometimes it is wise to be a little flexible and adapt ourselves to new job demands rather than to look exactly for what we lost. It helps regain confidence quickly which brings along enough energy to get an even better job in the field of your choice!

Don’t forget, there is always a way to regain your lost self-confidence. You just have to look for it. Because finding is reserved for those who search. Are you searching for an answer?

Regain your lost confidence now by creating a vision for your life, boosting your self esteem and deciding that now is the time to change. Get our fr^ee mini-course “Discover the TOP 5 secrets of EVERY highly successful Person to Achieve What You Want" today at http://www.vision-to-action.com

Eat Dust Wiki!!!!...Become a blogline prodigy!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments Thursday, October 25, 2007 -

Discover how any blogger or online business owner can overcome publishing giants like Wikipedia.

By Gobala Krishnan

If thousands of passionate editors and contributors are willing to work on Wikipedia for free, what chances does your website have to compete against this massive site? Not to forget the fact that Google prefers them over most of sites on the Internet.

In case you didn’t realize, Wikipedia already ranks top 10 for almost all popular search engine queries and keywords. Wikipedia’s main page has a PR (PageRank) of 8 and the English home page has a PR of 9.

Almost every topic and keyword imaginable has been covered (or will soon be covered) by this digital encyclopedia of sorts. The fact is they have more in-depth and complete content compared to your website or blog, and the people writing this content don’t ask for payment. Tying to match Wikipedia in terms of content integrity and completeness is suicide.

So how do you beat a giant like this?

The answer is to NOT become another Wikipedia yourself.

Look at it this way - how many people actually read an encyclopedia?

Are you telling me that just because encyclopedias exist, no one sells a book? Not in the real world. In the real world people put encyclopedias in a dusty bookshelf and use them only a handful of times in a year. But they read magazines, they buy books, they attend events and they most certainly read blogs.

The only time you should be looking at an encyclopedia is when you need a point of reference when writing a serious publication or thesis. Encyclopedias are boring, and so is Wikipedia.

So here’s Gobala Krishnan’s 5-step process to beating Wikipedia:

1) Improve your writing style

You must improve your writing. If your writing is similar to the boring (although concise) Wikipedia text, you’re doomed. Inject your personality and develop your own style of writing. My style of writing is very plain, direct and personal. Some people choose to write in a more poetic / scholarly way. Some people inject humor or use harsh words. No matter what, improving your writing style will set you apart and attract loyal readers to your blog.

2) Become more opinionated

People sitting on the fence sooner or later fall over. You either like something or hate it. If you’re neutral, you’re Wikipedia. Don’t try to become another encyclopedia; become the most dramatic blogger or writer.

Express your feelings for a certain product or service you’ve tried, even if it means you may lose some affiliate commissions from your honesty. It’s ok if some people hate the way you completely flamed a product or service. In the long run people will still prefer to read what you have to say then read a neutral page on Wikipedia.

3) Stay current and relevant

Read up on your industry, and put yourself in a position where you understand not only the past, but also the present and future of certain topics in your market. Wikipedia can’t beat you if you can (based on your established position of an expert in a focused market) foretell the future and influence others to accept your views.

No one cares about history. They only care about the present and the future. If you are ahead of the market, or at least up-to-date with the latest developments, write about it and let people know.

4) Perfect your personal brand

Make everything you write, everything you sell, your sites and your design smell, taste and feel like YOU. It must be consistent enough so that people don’t even need to read a site to know that it belongs to you. Don’t brand yourself as a know-it-all; brand yourself as a true expert inn a niche market, and everyone will love you for it.

Wikipedia goes a mile wide and an inch deep. You need to go an inch deep and a mile wide.

You are a brand. Market that brand, and your online business will take a turn for the better. Unique branding, as history has proven, adds incredible power to any business.

5) Don’t put all your eggs in SEO

Search engine optimization is great and all, but it only takes another 9 more Wikipedia type of sites to completely dominate the first page of Google. There’s absolutely no way you’re going to beat sites like that in terms of pure SEO.

Focus more on social networking, making friends, finding new business partners, and creating more non-SEO-dependent sites. There are other ways to get traffic to your blogs than just search engines, so get creative. If you’re stuck with the idea of “Write great content and the traffic will come”, you’re in for a big surprise.

The bottom line is that you can’t beat Wikipedia at their own game. Thousands have tried and failed miserably. But if you change your game, as far as your online business is concerned, you’ll always win.

Gobala Krishnan is a blogging enthusiast and direct marketing expert. Subscribe to his blog at www.gobalakrishnan.com for marketing information that will transform the way you look at your online business forever. If you're new to blogging, download 2 chapters of his beginners guide to Wordpress at www.easywordpress.com

World of WhatCraft???

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments Tuesday, October 23, 2007 -

I have a lot of interests and hobbies, and playing online games is one of them. I have played World of Warcraft, in particular, for a few years now and it took me a long time to acquire any gold at first, since I was learning the game and making money the slow way.

By Michael Anthony

I have a lot of interests and hobbies, and playing online games is one of them. I have played World of Warcraft, in particular, for a few years now and it took me a long time to acquire any gold at first, since I was learning the game and making money the slow way. I knew it was going to take forever to start earning gold as I also have a full-time job that I have to attend to. I still make money the slow way, but I have now learned of some tactics which have greatly speeded up the process thanks to this gold making guide I bought.

I recently purchased a World of Warcraft gold strategy guide and wanted to review it a little here. Now, I’ve known about these guides as well as buying gold for awhile now. As everyone who plays the game knows, there is nothing but spam concerning these gold sellers. I can’t stand them and I report them all the time. This is also illegal so I wanted to know where and how I could make more gold faster, legally, and without being scammed.

I believe I found the answer to my problem. I found a quality world of warcraft guide that showed me in a no-nonsense way how to make a lot more gold legally. I seen other gold guides, of which there are really only 2 or 3 that are worth the paper they are printed on, but I believe this one is the best.

I didn’t know what to make of it at first since it was written so simply, except that maybe it was another scam. But I had to stop judging it by its cover and dug into it. There is a lot of information contained within it and once I started reading, I knew this guide was on to something. As a veteran Warcraft player, I knew right away that these strategies would work. Some of these were so simple that I did the ol’ Homer Simpson hand slap to my head… “Doh!”. How did I ever miss that? It was ‘not-so-common’ common sense.

Seeing things like this, I loved it and knew I already had my money’s worth and I was not even 25% of the way through it. I had to keep reading and there is so much stuff that I couldnt get through it all in one night. I use it as a reference for gold making tips now. Once I started using its tips and strategies, I immediately added 50 gold to my coffers in less than 2 hours. The world of warcraft guide I use advertises 100 gold per hour but that is just relatively speaking. Some of these techniques bring in more and some bring in less gold than that.

Some of the ways to make gold are simple and some are much more involved so the timeframe varies according to how you want to make your money. The main point for me is that, you do make money. There were some very nice bonuses included too such as an Auctioneering and Fishing guide, both of which I find to be very useful for me as a top-level fisherman. I always wanted to know more about auction house cash too and this guide laid it all out for me.

I really like this guide. The author is a regular player for one. The guide also opens up your mind to other possibilities which aren’t even included. A book that makes you think...hmmmm. The author lends support, an affiliate program, and updates for life. In addition, it is useable by all levels 1-70 and is constantly updated to include Burning Crusade strategies. The $37 I spent for this guide was money well spent and I can now make my own gold quicker anytime I want to. I have to say “Thanks” to the author for putting this out.

If you want to see the exact guide I used to make more WoW gold than I've ever before, visit: http://www.2minutes2riches.com/warcraftcash

Free!!!(and legal...) PSP downloads!!!

Harshyt Goel - 2 comments -

You can find alot of websites where you can get psp downloads for free as trials or demos that you can immediately download to a psp. It is not hard to download to a psp, and if you are looking to get good quality game, make sure you go to a reliable psp website.

If you choose a monthly subscription downloads service, you can download all of the absolutedly free psp downloads you want and also find and downloads many more psp products.

If you own a PSP, and you are looking for just the right psp downloads for free website, it can be overwhelming. There are literally tons of PSP download websites on the internet and that can be confusing when you are trying to decide which site is genuine and will provide you with all the options you want.

If you want to avoid scams and damage to your computer, just do your research and you will soon be able to tell which website are genuine and which ones are scams.

You will find that you will have several payment options, when looking for a good download website. There are websites that offer a pay per download fee, and there are some that will want you to pay a monthly fee. There are still others that want a small one time fee that does not require a recurring monthly charge.

Most of these websites offer high quality digital downloads from a huge selection of unlimited games, movies, music, TV shows and other PSP downloads.

You can be assured that with most of these music websites, your download experience will be very satisfactory and what’s more is that you will have the opportunity to be saving alot of money.

Since in most cases you do not have to pay for every download, after you are a member with any of the top PSP download sites, you will immediately have access to unlimited downloads free of charge.

There is a growing number of people who have discovered the convenience and versatility of a psp. Giving them the ability to watch movies, play games or just listen to their favorite music.

The new Sony PSP is a wonderful game console because it comes with latest technology and excellent built-in graphics and a high definition screen for ultra clear images.

have you looked for a legitimate, easy free unlimited psp website? You should take a peek at this website: http://freepspunlimiteddownloads.blogspot.com

Haiyaaa!!!!(Tiles Break....Hand tooo)

Harshyt Goel - 1 comments Saturday, October 20, 2007 -

Martial Arts are becoming more popular as the years go on and they do provide us with the skills that we need in order to protect ourselves form others. However, when it comes to kids and Martial Arts, some parents are wary of whether or not a Martial Arts school is for them. How do you know if your child will like the school and just how do you know it will teach them all of the right things?

Martial Arts and What They Teach Our Kids

There is a misconception that Martial Arts schools teach our children to fight. Obviously all Martial Arts consist of some kind of physical activity, but it is purely taught so that our kids can protect themselves against harm.

In a world packed full of danger it is always a good idea to get our children to be able to look after themselves. At the end of the day there is only so much a parent can teach their child but once they get out into the open world, they are literally on their own. That means that they need to be able to protect themselves and Martial Arts schools do help them to do that.

Now, there are obviously going to be some kids who just want to cause trouble. However, generally Martial Arts are only learned by those who are serious about the practice. All Martial Arts require some form of focus and kids who are just out to cause trouble and fight all the time will not be able to stick with Martial Arts for long.

Martial Arts schools never teach children to fight. If anything they teach the opposite, as using the skills that you have learned through Martial Arts to just simply fight, is opposed.

So just what are Martial Arts schools teaching our children then? Well, they teach them to look after themselves, to stay focused, to have a higher self confidence and overall to keep calm. There is definitely nothing sinister going on and Martial Arts classes are extremely safe to leave your children in. You just have to make sure that you find a good school and that you do not get sucked in by the many fake Martial Arts schools out there.

Overall Martial Arts schools are good for our kids and they do not teach anything dodgy. If you do have a child enrolled in a Martial Arts school and you are not particularly happy with the attitude they are developing, then you should really consider swapping schools. It is all a matter of doing your research and finding one to suit you and your child. You should eventually find one and you can rest safe in the knowledge that your child is bettering themselves and learning to become more protected against the world.

For more information go to www.ocjj.com


Harshyt Goel - 1 comments -

It’s ironic that this article about plagiarism will probably be stolen and illegally published on many websites across the world! That’s the nature of the web, but can you do anything about it? How can you fight back?

This article provides you with some tactics and actions to get back at content thieves who are abusing the web and copyright laws.

Why do people steal content?

The number one reason that people steal online content is so they can make money from advertising. They will take your article and put it on a webpage on their websites. They will then place advertising on the page, which earns them money. The most common adverts, by virtue of their ease of implementation, are Google AdSense ads. People simply add a piece of code to the webpage and relevant ads are automatically displayed alongside the content. Every time a visitor to the page clicks on an ad, the website owner earns a small commission. If someone has thousands or even millions of pages of content showing these ads, the earnings can be very significant.

Content is expensive and time consuming to create, so it is far easier for these website owners to steal it, particularly as the risk of getting caught is so low.

Who is stealing the content?

The majority of thieves are amateurs who are trying to earn a bit of cash on the side. They use such simple, cheap website creation tools as Blogger, TypePad, Homestead or Moonfruit to quickly create websites that they populate with content they cut and paste from sites around the Internet. Or, easier still, they take RSS feeds from sites and have the content automatically delivered to their new sites.

Whilst most the thieves are amateurs, they are not the biggest problem.

The sums of money that can now be earned from online advertising have attracted the attention of far more organised gangs. New tools have been developed that can strip thousands of articles from legitimate sites and use them to populate thousands of websites. Some of these tools are programmed to change words within each page so they are harder for the author to trace. This has become known as synonymizing.

These professional content thieves don’t care what they are stealing and from whom (although they avoid plagarising articles from the bigger news agencies and newspaper and broadcasting sites).

What content gets stolen?

Anything and everything! Sometimes whole sites are stolen and recreated with a new domain name.

The most commonly stolen stuff is short text articles, such as blog posts. There are thousands of them, many of which are distributed via RSS. They are perfect for driving targeted traffic and thus ad clicks.

Next are images. Why? Because they are difficult and expensive to create, yet very easy to steal. Many image thieves actually leave the pictures on the original server and link to them so they don’t have to foot the bill for hosting!

Some distance behind these two content types are marketing copy, web-design elements (templates, buttons, icons, etc.), video, blocks of code and web applications (e.g. an online mortgage calculator).

How do you find your stolen content?

If you want to find out whether your articles have been copied, the cheapest and easiest way to do it is to copy and paste a unique line from the article into several search engines – try Google, Yahoo and Ask. There is a good chance that if that line appears verbatim on another site it will be found.

Alternatively, there is a dedicated service that can help, called Copyscape (www.copyscape.com). You can use a restricted but effective version for free, and if you like what you see, you can pay a nominal amount for the premium service. Copyscape looks for copies of all your website content across the web.

Searching for stolen images is much harder. The easiest technique is to give every image a distinctive and unique file name. Thieves usually don’t bother changing the file name, so you can undertake a search using Google Image search to locate pinched pictures.

The only other way is to ask your loyal visitors to notify you if they see any of your content published on other websites. They can be your team of unpaid copyright police.

Fighting back! How to get content thieves to remove your content

First let me set your expectations straight. Very often you cannot get your content removed from other people’s websites however hard you try, so you need to decide how much time you are going to spend pursuing thieves and not get obsessed by the process. It can become very time consuming, frustrating and demoralising. If you do decide to pursue the culprit(s) make sure you keep a detailed paper trail of everything you do and all of the correspondence.

So here are seven tactics you can use to pursue and outwit the thief:

Tactic #1 – Ask them to remove your content. If you can find out who runs the website on which the stolen content appears and you can find away of contacting them, the first thing you should do is simply ask them to remove it. If they are amateur thieves this might be enough.

Tactic #2 – Cease and desist letter. If your first request receives no response and the content remains on the website, you can step up the pressure by sending them a cease and desist letter. I recommend sending an email and a physical letter (if you can find a postal address). You can often find this information out by doing a Whois search (try www.nominet.org.uk for .co.uk domains or www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp for .com/.net domains). A cease and desist letter is often enough to scare the amateur thief. However, it is unlikely to deter the professional gang.

For example cease and desist and DMCA letters go to http://performancing.com/legal-issues/stock-letters

Tactic #3 – Do some research to find out who is hosting the website. You can find this out by doing a Whois search (try www.nominet.org.uk for .co.uk domains or www.networksolutions.com/whois/index.jsp for .com/.net domains). In the US under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) and the UK under the European Union Copyright Directive (2003), you can contact the hosting company, explain that the site is breaching your copyright and request that the site be taken down. Sometimes you won’t get a reply; often you will get asked to provide additional information. Rarely, they will agree straight away and act on your behalf.

Tactic #4 – Report the site to its advertisers. As mentioned above, most stolen content is used to drive traffic to pages with adverts so the website owner can make money from advertising. Most of these websites use Google AdSense because it is very easy to set up. In the AdSense terms and conditions, as with those of most reputable ad networks, it is very clear that ads must not be served against stolen content. Send the advertisers copies of the cease and desist letters that you have forwarded to the offending webmaster. If the website loses its ability to serve ads, it will have lost its reason to exist.

Tactic #5 – Report the site to the major search engines. Content sites without traffic from the major search engines are like fish without water. Without the oxygen of free traffic they wither and die. Whilst getting a site blocked in a search engine will not get your article removed, it will ensure that it is hard for other people to find. You can report the copyright infringement to all of the major search engines, and within their terms and conditions, they are obliged to act. The key search engines to report to are Google, Yahoo and Microsoft/MSN.

Google: http://www.google.com/dmca.html#notification

Yahoo: http://info.yahoo.com/copyright/details.html

Microsoft/MSN: http://search.msn.com/docs/siteowner.aspx?t=SEARCH_WEBMASTER_CONC_AboutDMCA.htm

How to send notification to the search engines: http://www.seologic.com/faq/dmca-notifications.php

Tactic #6 – Take them to court. If your content is registered as copy-protected material, you can file a lawsuit against the thief. You’ll need to take expert legal advice before going down this route.


Content theft is a growing problem on the web, and it is difficult to see how it will ever be prevented. If you find yourself a victim and you want to take action against the thief or thieves, use the tactics outlined above. They can be effective deterrents against the majority of amateur content thieves. Don’t do anything illegal in your pursuit or it could be you who ends up the wrong side of the law.

Useful articles and websites:

Detailed article about dealing with content theft: http://lorelle.wordpress.com/2006/04/10/what-do-you-do-when-someone-steals-your-content/

Site dedicated to dealing with content plagiarism: www.plagiarismtoday.com

Useful Resource to Detect Copyright Theft

Copyscape: www.copyscape.com

The Copyscape website helps you detect thefts of your articles. You simply insert your URL into the Copyscape search box and it scans the web to see if any of your articles are published on other websites. You can then go through the search results and look at the sites it has identified. If you have been publishing online for some time you maybe shocked by the results. You can try a stripped-down version of the service for free. If you want to use all the functionality, you have to pay a nominal fee per search ($0.05).

SubHub provides an all-in-one solution to enable you to rapidly design, build and run your own content website. Publish for profit on the web. Website: http://www.subhub.com SubHub Articles Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SubhubStartASubscriptionOrMembershipWebsite-OnlineMagazineOnlineJournalOnlineNewsletter?format=xml

Feel good Today...Tommorow...Forever!!!!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

We have been consciously or unconsciously seeking to feel good - ever since we were kids. As adults, however, we find that it can be something other than sweets or toys that can make us feel good: holidaying in an exotic country, getting a promotion, being involved in an exciting project…

The holiday, promotion, and exciting project are just the means - vehicles to get us the good feelings, like a finger pointing to the moon. However, if we focus too intently on the finger, we may end up taking the finger to be the moon, missing out on the beautiful sights of Heaven altogether.

Here’s an anecdote: Two brothers decided to come on This Side. When asked why they wanted so much to visit Earth, both replied that they simply wanted to feel good. They had heard of many wonderful things happening down there.

While on Earth, the elder brother discovered that money could buy him things, which permitted him to feel good. So he decided to amass a fortune, thinking that the more money he had, the more he’d be able to feel good. Now there is nothing wrong in having money, but for him, money became the finger pointing to the moon. He had forgotten about the moon and the beautiful sights of Heaven. His obsession was so intense that he felt anxious, aggressive, and suspicious whenever he felt threatened by the loss of his money.

The beautiful sights of Heaven were replaced by the little finger that made him feel bad. He had mistaken the finger to be the moon.

Meanwhile, the younger brother discovered the sea, sex, and sun; he felt good lying all day on the beach and making whoopee at night. He took it easy. He simply went fishing whenever he was hungry.

Now, initially these men had the same objective - to feel good - but they did not ride on the same vehicles.

They later compared notes on the Other Side. The one obsessed by money, who had thought that money would bring him all the goodies, failed miserably to attain his objective on Earth. He depended too heavily on one source - money.

His younger brother scored remarkably well; he felt good most of the time while on This Side, though he had little money. He was carefree, had no worries, and appreciated what he had. He really was in paradise!

Now, what can we draw from this?

Of course, we naturally want to feel good. But our desires are often crushed by You want / You can’t / What’s going to happen? / You’re going to lose! - the Gang of Four.

Whenever you have negative feelings like heaviness, anxiety, anger, frustration, or discouragement, it’s a sure sign that this Gang of Four is beating you up. To lessen the pain, you need to swallow a DDD pill!

What’s that?

DDD stands for Desireless Diet Day, which stops our negative emotions and puts us in a positive thinking mode.

You simply cut down on desires you can’t immediately fulfil, like wanting someone to call you, hoping to be invited to next week’s party, hoping your client will sign a contract today, wanting your boss to be nice to you… The list can be long!

Just focus on what you have now, and think about what you can do with what you have now! If you want to call someone now – provided you have a telephone, you can! You want to have a coffee, take a shower, drive your car - you can! This way, you’ll never be attacked by the Gang of Four. You’ll feel good each time because you’re focusing on what you have - not on what you’d like to have.

But you may ask: does this mean cutting all desires? Not at all! Just transform your desires into strategies. If for example you desire to double your turnover, spend time now defining ways or strategies to reach new targets. You’re back to You want / You can DDD mode.

You can feel good all day long and control a situation by focusing on the things you have and on what you can do with what you have. Just make a list of what you have. Eyes, legs, tongue, Google, friends, job, driver’s license… This list can be a mile long!!!

You have legs, take a walk. Some can’t. You have eyes, go watch something you like. Whichever vehicles you choose – and you can have many vehicles, and change them – whether you’re rich or poor, as long as you feel good each day, you score points.

To feel good depends on our reaction to people around us, on our reactions to situations - whether it rains or shines, whether people are nice or nasty. If we keep an inner smile all day long, we will score 7, 8, or 9 points out of 10, and be on our way to attaining our real objective in life - feeling good today, tomorrow… and forever.

Dan Low, self-improvement & behavioral expert, spent more than 25 years showing individuals how to control negative emotions and life situations through Eastern / Western behavioral modification techniques he developed in the 1970s. He is also the author of "Maximize Your Potential with Powerful Tools... And No Stress". http://www.maximizeyourpotential.info/the_book.html

Please stand on the machine ONE at a Time...

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

There was a time when I used to weigh myself 2, maybe 3 times/day. For some strange reason, I believed I could gain or lose a lot of weight at different times, during the SAME day. Then I cut back to once/day. Finally, I stopped weighing myself, except on certain occasions, of which I can’t think of any right now. I do remember, thought, that when I weighed myself in the mornings-whatever the number, I still overate. If I gained weight, I’d be sad and I’d eat. If I lost weight, I’d be happy and, yes, I’d eat. It wasn’t exactly a win/win (or lose/lose) situation.

What happens, I’m afraid, with folks who weigh themselves too often is that they become confused with the difference between WEIGHT gain and FAT gain; or most often the opposite: weight loss and fat loss. Let’s say I weigh 143 pounds, which occasionally is the truth. If I sit down and drink 16 ounces of iced tea, and then get back on the scale, my weight would be 144 pounds. Now you and I both know I did NOT just put on a pound of FAT. I put on a pound of weight, and as long as my kidneys are healthy, that water weight will be gone within the next day or two.

Sadly, when people weigh themselves on a scale and see the number going up, they pass judgment on themselves. And what’s even more unfortunate, most of the time the judgment is an unfavorable one. Let’s say someone goes out for a lovely evening of dinner at a new restaurant and tries new foods. Then, for whatever reason, they get up the next morning and decide to weigh themselves. Of course they are going to see a WEIGHT gain-their body hasn’t had enough time to breakdown the food, and it still working it’s way through their digestive system.

Believe it or not, it takes a long time to gain/lose a pound of fat. When I’m working with clients who have lost, say, 5 pounds in one week, I get concerned. I must explain to them that part of the weight loss is water weight, and the loss won’t continue at such a quick rate. What I need them to understand is that the behaviors that led to such a large weight loss probably isn’t something they can maintain for a long time (skipping meals, eating excruciatingly small portions). If my client is losing a half-3/4 of a pound/week, or every two weeks, then I know they are making slow, realistic changes they can live with. This type of loss, which is most likely a fat loss, will stay off. You need to make small changes you can live with for the long term. You MUST be honest with yourself. You must be realistic about the changes you are able to make in order to lose weight.

Don’t buy into diets that promise quick weight loss. Try to understand that while the scale shows a loss, it is mostly water loss. You won’t be making any changes that lead to your overeating, and the weight will come back. You won’t be losing fat, which is what you want.

Don’t be fooled by numbers on a scale. And don’t be fooled by the people that make you unrealistic promises. The fact that diet promoters can convince you buy into their schemes, is-well, a crime.

-Leeann Simons

You got the Plasma...What about the rest???

Harshyt Goel - 1 comments Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - , , , ,

A multitude of accessories are available to make your flat panel viewing experience more enjoyable.

Antenna and Tuner

The first thing you will need is a TV antenna, used to amplify, clarify, and optimize the signal for your TV. After all, you want to view more than a TV signal, right? If so, make sure to get a tuner.


Cables are another necessity for your flat panel TV. Often, cables are not bundled with your components, which include a source for the TV/video signal, and an audio signal. This means you will need to buy the cables separately. And please, spend the few extra bucks to upgrade your cheaper cables. Your power and signals going in and coming out of your components will reward you by being stronger and steadier.


Do you want to make viewing your flat panel TV more like a night out at the movie theater? If so, you should consider purchasing speakers and subwoofers to create stereo sound. What a way to boost your TV viewing experience! You will feel like you are right in the middle of the action!

Universal Remote

Wow! With all the components hooked up to your flat panel TV, you are bound to have at least three remote controls floating around. And honestly, can you keep straight which remote goes to which device? Investing in a Universal Remote Control would be an excellent idea. Universal Remote Controls allow you to program for several components on one remote. Now your VCR, your DVD, your cable, your satellite, and anything else you might have hooked up to your flat screen TV will work from one remote. What is the best part of only having one remote? No more fumbling around with remotes or searching for remotes under couches, chair cushions, and in the garbage!

Wall Mounting

Some people choose to mount their flat panel TVs on their wall. To do this, you need to have mounts and braces. An attractive feature of some of the mounts is that they allow your flat screen TV to turn or swivel. Now you can watch TV from any seat in the family room! Other people prefer to use special flat screen furniture, such as TV stands, carts, trolleys, or shelves to set up their home viewing area. These types of options do double-duty. The keep your home theater neat and organized, and provide additional storage for the other devices that are hooked up to your TV, not to mention storage for DVDs, CDs, etc.

Surge Protector

With such expensive and delicate equipment at the mercy of any storms or power surges that may come through your house, you will want to invest in a good surge protector. The more expensive surge protectors may even protect your dial-up connection, your DSL connection, or your cable connection. You will be able to leave the house and not worry about unexpected surges frying your electronic devices.

Screen Protector

While flat panel TVs provide an excellent viewing experience, there are a few drawbacks. One is that the screens are delicate and pricy to replace. Another drawback is that the flat panel screens often cause glare and eyestrain to people who sit in front of them for many hours at a time. Luckily, there is a fix for these problems. You can purchase a screen protector to prevent damage to the screen and reduce eyestrain. Some screen protectors will even blur the screen from a certain angle to keep prying eyes from seeing whatever is on the screen.

Laptop...ON!!..oops!..dont think so...

Harshyt Goel - 1 comments -

Most laptop owners neglect to look after the batteries resulting in impaired functionality and utility of the laptop when they are relying upon them. Looking after the laptop’s batteries makes good sense and only requires a minor alteration in user behavior and maintenance practice to prolong not only battery life but also to make sure the laptop functions when needed.

There are two general mistakes that users make with laptop batteries. First, they tend to use the laptop with the AC power supply continuously and are then surprised to find the laptop will not power up at some point. The second mistake is to use the AC power and battery supply without regard to the effect of partially discharging the battery.

So you come to power up your laptop and nothing happens, what do you do? Try removing the battery from the laptop and then power on with AC supply only and if it works then you know you have an issue with the battery. A simple purge of the battery will usually suffice to correct this problem. More on that later.

Continuously discharging the battery without allowing it to exhaust its charge results in the battery gaining a recharge “memory”. Effectively it fails to take a full charge and this results in less power being stored so the ability to use the laptop by battery power alone reduces. This defeats the whole object of having a laptop that you can use anywhere free of connection to a mains supply. This shortening of battery life is also known as “battery fade”.

If you have experienced a shortening of the life of your battery charge when it comes to using the laptop on battery power only, then you are experiencing battery fade. The question becomes: what can you do to ensure that you do not suffer from a restriction of the use of your laptop when you are on the move.

There are two very simple procedures for resolving battery life issues. How often you perform these maintenance exercises will depend upon whether you have NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) batteries or NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) in the laptop. Check the battery itself and the manufacturers paperwork that came with your laptop.

The first tip is to ensure that you completely discharge your laptop battery. You do this by powering the laptop up using battery power alone and with the AC power disconnected. Allow the laptop to run the battery down completely until you get the battery low warning. Reconnect the AC power and allow the battery to be recharged from this state, for the period the manufacturer advises for recharge (as long as 12 hours).

Purging is where you disconnect the AC completely and disable the “sleep” feature of the laptop (or hibernation) and allow the battery to be discharged completely. Once the laptop has completely powered down, and you will know this as the display will die, plug the laptop into the AC but do not power up. Leave the laptop like this for up to 24 hours depending upon the manufacturers instructions. You should perform this for NiCad batteries once a month and for NiMH batteries every three months.

These two tips will help you prolong battery life and utility, however you should carefully read the manufacturers instructions to ensure you treat your laptop in accordance with their recommendations. Laptop batteries are expensive to replace and there is also the frustration when sitting on a long flight of suddenly seeing your laptop die and work vanish due to the battery. Caring for your laptop batteries will enhance your laptop utility and your productivity when you are away from home or office.

Nanotechnology!!..A Small Scrawl?

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

If current news is any indication, Nanotechnology is poised to play a significant role in the development of clean, less expensive energy. The potential of nanotechnology for solving some of today’s greatest energy challenges is vast.

Nanotechnology refers broadly to a field of applied science and technology whose unifying theme is the control of matter on the molecular level in scales smaller than one micrometer, normally 1 to 100 nanometers, and the fabrication of devices within that size range. For scale, a single virus particle is about 100 nanometers in width.

Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale.”

At this size dimension, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials differ in fundamental and valuable ways from the properties of individual atoms, molecules, or bulk matter. The properties displayed at the nanoscale create a host of potential innovative uses for nanomaterials. One of these uses includes the creation of exciting and revolutionary energy applications. These potential nanoscale energy applications apply to a host of different sources of energy, including hydrogen, geothermal, unconventional natural gas, fission, and solar energy.

While hydrogen is an energy storage medium, it is not a primary energy source. Therefore, full realization of hydrogen as an alternative energy source is frustrated by gaps in technology, which do not precipitate the efficient and cost-effective storage and transport of hydrogen. Nanoscience provides new approaches to basic questions about the interaction of hydrogen with materials to enable the efficient and cost-effective storage and transport of hydrogen.

Applying nanotechnology to geothermal energy increases the opportunities to develop geothermal resources by enhancing thermal conductivity or aiding in the development of noncorrosive materials that could be used for geothermal energy production.

The recovery of unconventional sources of natural gas is yet another potential application of nanotechnology. Unconventional sources of natural gas include tight sandstones, shale gas, and coal bed methane. Nanotechnology applications may prove useful in accessing or exploiting these unconventional natural gas sources. For instance, nanocatalysts and nanoscale membranes may prove useful in assisting in Gas to Liquids production. Furthermore, certain nanostructured materials may assist in compressed natural gas transport.

Nanotechnology may also prove useful in solving the waste problems of the nuclear energy industry. For instance, certain nano-engineered barriers may prove useful in preventing the migration of or containing nuclear waste products.

Nanotechnology applications may assist in making solar energy more economical. Nanoscience can be utilized to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic cells, creating cost-efficient conversion systems, effective solar power storage systems or even the generation of solar energy on a larger scale. For instance, “nanopatterning” can artificially change the optical properties of materials to allow light to be trapped in solar cells.

Nanotechnology might someday allow for more powerful, more efficient and less expensive energy generation, storage transmission and distribution. Nanotechnology is being used to optimize production from existing energy sources and to exploit new sources such as geothermal, liquefied natural gas, nuclear and solar energy. Nanotechnology is also improving and opening new possibilities for the transmission and storage of energy, especially electricity and possibly hydrogen in the future. Nanotechnologies have the potential to reduce energy consumption by making it possible to manufacture lighter and/or more energy efficient cards and appliances. Even though nanotechnology is a relatively young field, the potential for future nanotechnology applications within the energy industry could turn out to be one of the most important technological developments of our time.

Increase Blog Traffic!!!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments -

There are several ways to get traffic to a blog. Making sure you have a good ping list is the first thing you want to do for generating traffic to your blog.

Every time you publish a post to your site, your ping list gets notified that you have added new content. Spiders come and visit your site and index the new post. That’s one of the great things about blogs.

It’s important to add content to your blog regularly. Posting every day is a great goal. You will get more traffic if you post every day than if you post once a week or even every few days.

Once you have published your post and the ping list is notified, what else can you do? If your post is well-written and contains information that others would find interesting or useful, you can submit your post to various social bookmarking sites.

There are social bookmarking sites for different topics. Digg focuses on news. MarkTD and PlugIM focus on internet marketing topics. There are many social bookmarking sites to choose from.

Try submitting your posts to various social bookmarking sites. Don’t submit every post to the same sites. You can also place bookmarklets on the bottom of your post so readers can vote for your article at the social bookmarking sites. Perhaps you have noticed sites that have these.

Bored of your first life???...Get a Second!!!!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments Sunday, October 14, 2007 -

By Harshyt Goel

I'm on a holiday in Milan. It's a lazy day: I'm shopping in a luxury supermall, after which I go for a fancy dinner. There, I meet an Italian bombshell chick. That when my mother knocks on the door, the hot chick vanishes, who my avatar met in the virtual world of Second life....www.secondlife.com
Tired of your first life? Try to get a second one. Just like I did. It’s the hottest online Virtual revolution. You get to create your own Avatar, you could be James bond, with a license to kill...or just plain you!
You could be married to anyone, and she could be the woman of your dreams (literally and legally!).Take this: millions of people around the globe have a second life - second families, second cars, girlfriends, wives and careers! The bitter truth: It's all virtual. From the moment you click, threes a new digital continent waiting to be discovered. You could make new friends, a new family, or even do a new business. If you really like your second life. You could even buy land!! According to Secondlife.com since it has been opened, there have been 8,608,489 visitors.
The big debate is, adults are experiencing a world that doesn’t really exist. In fact, people are buying virtual clothes, cars, swords, windsurfing lessons, even lap dances! Anything! You can dance undress, giggle, gamble, stroll through art galleries, spank you loved one (or a complete stranger!).And oh yeah…you can fly!!
Because second life is the new fad, your avatar has the will to do anything. Buy, sell. Do transactions and become e millionaire. The buying currency in Second life is Linden Dollar(LindeX), and has created many real millionaires, you can Xchange LindeX for real dollars and Vice Versa. If you are in an adventurous mood, second life is just the thing for you, where you could shop, fly or teleport your avatar to anywhere in the world, using video game style graphics. If you’re in a mood to play around, you can just chat with others. Many real people work in second life to earn money: you could be a striptease artiste, lecturer, detective or casino operative. Currently there is a retail boom in “Second Life”
The success of the game is largely due to the “power and control” feeling of the game. Your avatar could be you, or someone you always wanted to be. Another definition could be- A new Market, you could buy and sell LindeX, the official Linden Lab Currency, for real currency at 250 linden dollars(L$) to the US dollar.
So, if you want a second life, that you have full control over, what are you waiting for?

Brilliant Photography!!!!

Harshyt Goel - 3 comments -

I was just surfing around and got hold of these Brilliant pieces of art...mother nature sure knows how to paint!!!
The Ladybug And The Cat

2)Tiny Puffer Fish

3)Sunset In The Arctic

4)Lonely Traveller

5)Under A Frog

6)Private Parking

7)A Storm Is Coming

8)Fireworks vs. Lightning

9)Clear Reflection

For More Such Pieces of art
logon to- http://www.extremefun.net.tc/

Canon A530-Say Cheese!!!

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments Saturday, October 13, 2007 -

Basic Specifications:

Resolution: 5.00 Megapixels
Lens: 4.00x zoom
(35-140mm eff)
Viewfinder: Optical / LCD
LCD Size: 1.8 inch
ISO: 80-800
Shutter: 15-1/2000
Max Aperture: 2.6
Mem Type: SD
Battery: 2 x AA
Dimensions: 3.6x2.5x1.7in
Weight: 6.0 oz
(170 g)
MSRP: $250

By Harshyt Goel

The Canon A series has proved itself to be a very reliable one even in the competitive

market of the sony coolpix and nikon...and here we have the A530...
To be truthful,ive grown quite fond of this one(not to mention that i own the same

model!!).This one is for the Wannabe photographer who cant afford to buy a full fledged

pro-digicam.If you have a budget from around 180$-200$(not high considering the features),

then this one is for you.

The Camera body is a mix of lustrious casing with a great ergonomic touch..the button

placing is easy to reach and it has a sturdy feel.The picture quality of the camera can be

compared to some higher models.eg its big brother the A540.in actuall it is almost the same

as Th 540 though lacks some sensor and some exposure control offerings, but still offers a

great deal of exposure control.It stores data in a SD/MMC slot which are fast becoming the

standard of chip storage.it also provides USB 2.0 high speed connectivity to your comp. for

lightning fast transfers.With cannons trademark picBrodge you can print pics without a PC

faster than you can say 'Canon'!
The Canon A530 also offers a range of metering modes, including evaluative, center-weighted,

and even spot metering. In its continuous shooting mode, the Canon A530 is rated at 2.1

frames/second, good speed for a modestly priced camera.

To conclude,:the Canon A530 should be a very strong-selling model in the popular PowerShot

line, providing not only easy use for beginners (in full-auto mode), but a nice complement

of advanced exposure and metering modes for the more experienced shooter. This is a camera

that offers novice photographers plenty of capability to grow into, and should make a great

choice for families or couples with widely varying levels of photo expertise."..as some

people say.
Below is an Extract from a previous review of the


"Performance. The Canon A530 was always ready when I was. I did cycle the power an awful lot

for the review, but the A530 was responsive. It fired right back up quickly.

The shutter seemed quite responsive, too. I habitually half-press the shutter button anyway,

so it should have been responsive. But half-pressing is something I do just to check focus

and exposure options, too. It's a very good habit.

The A530 offers an ISO 800 setting that seems to be a new trend in digicam design. Sony has

bumped the ISO ceiling up to 1000 in this year's Cyber-shots, obliterating the old 400

limit. This can be something of a mixed bag, as many have pointed out. The price of higher

sensitivity is more noise. In fact, with more megapixels crammed onto the tiny sensor

surface, even ISO 400 exhibits more noise than it did in the good old days when a 3-Mp

sensor was hot stuff.

But the alternative, shooting at ISO 200 or below, guarantees blurry images from camera

shake with indoor lighting. So I'll take the noise. I know what to do with it: reduce it.

Even Photoshop CS2's default Noise Reduction filter does a very nice job of making the noise

in an A530's ISO 800 shot look no worse than that in an ISO 200 shot. My point is that you

can't do anything about a blurry shot in your image editing software, but you can do

something about noise. Sure, it would be nice to be able to shoot at ISO 800 and not have to

edit the shot later -- but at least you have the shot to edit.

With the exception of the A540, the A500-series has limited movie modes, and the A530 is

included in that. You can only get 10 frames per second (fps) at 640x480, and 20 frames per

second at 320x 240, which is a far cry from the 30fps we've come to expect from most digital

cameras. You can zoom digitally up to 2x, but not optically. This causes some pixelation,

but it's better than the noise you'd otherwise hear from the zoom lens.

Finally, let me point out once again the benefit of a PictBridge-compatible digicam. Like

every other Canon camera, the A530 needs only a USB cable to become a printing kiosk when

connected to any PictBridge printer. That means you can leave a set of prints behind when

you take shots at a party or just quickly get an index of your latest shoot without

bothering to fire up the computer. It's a terrific convenience with the full range of output

options, so you really don't give up much."

Bundled software includes the whole Pic Solution 28.0 with Zoom browser and camera Window

with a nifty Stitch Assist, the camera sports various shooting modes from inddor to

lanscape views with a ahndy manual setting.The LCD is 2.5" and crystal clear,the camera also

boasts of 4X Optical Zoom and 16X Digital Zoom giving great picture clarity.

With fast shutter speeds great resolution and a light pocket/wallet weight(litterally and

Metamorphically!!!)..this should be a great buy!!

Eternity's End???....Poetry

Harshyt Goel - 0 comments Sunday, October 7, 2007 -

When my mind sorta goes into a really philosofical(i know i spelt it wrong!) mode...it pours out this beutifull stuff-

The world dims and turns deathly gray,
As the mists of night gather,
Yet to plod along another way,
He gathers his will to flatter,

This world of his, an endless desert,
Gets tougher with sandy creeks,
Yet going along this path of life,
He leaves his ciphers and scripts,

He knows his marks on this sand,
They may not last forever,
But he leaves them still, maybe in vain,
Craving for that elusive winner,

But give up? He never will,
His mind so clear and arcane,
Because he knows his journey will soon end,
The sign to augment his days,

He is mankind with all his traits,
And habits for the reckoning,
And so is his nature, wants to be the best,
The duration of his footprints, to be decided still…

Yet this is his life…fruitless or fruitful,
Which for one he can be kind,
For it is for him to tell…and also to find,
What marks will he leave on the sands of time…

-Harshyt Goel

A Soul Departed......:Poetry

Harshyt Goel - 1 comments -

Ever had a friend taken away from you?...felt like theres nothing left here to live for?...well...i have..my best friend Mayank Yadav died on december 24 2005...and at that time..in the depths of despair..i wrote this-

A Soul Departed........

He was my friend,
He was usually there,
Never did I ever think,
He would drift away,

He laughed with me a lot,
In life, such a tiny tot,
Was this a way to go?
And leave me forever to groan,

I wish u were back,
Though wish is all I can,
Never will I know a friend like you,
Clear as the morning dew,

Time goes on,
It waits for none,
You were left on the way,
And we were left to run,

Forever you remain in my heart,
A special place far apart,
You live on through your memories,
As influencing as dark draperies,

I cried a lot when I came 2 know,
So did everyone who knew,
I don’t know how you felt,
But with that, it will never be dealt,

Because you left when we were budding friends,
Going through life and different trends,
You died and I still can’t believe,
Can’t believe, don’t want to believe………….

My hands are cold my feet are wet,
As I know I will forever be in your debt,
Yet I was lucky enough to know you,
Although even for a small due,
Now my mind thinks more deeply,
Koz just look at the first alphabets and understand freely…………

Harshyt Goel…...